Rebecca Brown
Program Coordinator
varsity Competition - Game Day squad
[email protected]
Coach Rebecca Brown has been coaching since 2012. She was the Cheerleading Program Coordinator and Head Coach for Eagle's Landing High School in McDonough, Georgia before moving to Walton County. Coach Brown has experience coaching football cheer, basketball cheer competition, and Game Day cheer at both the JV and Varsity levels. She has been coaching at WGHS since 2016. She is a member of the Georgia Cheerleading Coaches Association (GCCA) since 2014 as well as the Georgia Athletic Coaches Association (GACA).
As of 2021, she is a part of the GCCA Leadership Board, as the Region 8 GCCA Representative. Coach Brown is an elementary art teacher at Walnut Grove Elementary, where she teaches students Kindergarten through 5th grade. She has a Bachelor's of Art degree in Studio Art and a Master's of Art in Teaching: Secondary Education (Art Education) both from Georgia College and State University. When she's not teaching or coaching, she enjoys spending time with her husband, Chad, their daughter Layla Grace, their son, Knox and cheering on the Georgia Southern Eagles! |
- 2018-2019 - Tied 9th at Sectionals, lost the tie to finish 10th, knocked out of advancing to State, finished 17th in Division 5A; 6th Place in the Inaugural 4A-5A Game Day State Championship 2019
- 2018 GACA All-Star Spirit Cheerleading Coach (Senior North)
- 2019-2020 - 3rd Place Region 8-5A; 5A 12th Sectionals; 19th State 5A; 6th Place in 5A-6A Game Day State Championship 2020
- 2019 GACA All-Start Spirit Cheerleading Coach (Junior North)
Under the new GHSA Qualifying protocols: - 2020-2021 - 3rd Place Region 8-5A; 5th Place 5A Sectionals; 5A State Cheerleading Championship Qualifier
(Defaulted to 16th finish, due to COVID policies, they were unable to compete.); Did not compete Game Day. - 2021-2022 - 3rd Place Region 8-5A; 6th Place 5A Sectionals; 5A State Cheerleading Championship Qualifier (Finished 12th); Did not compete Game Day.
- 2021 GACA All-Star Spirit Cheerleading Coach (Senior North)
- 2022-2023 - 3rd Place Region 8 - 4A; 4A State Cheerleading Championship Qualifier (Finished 13th);
Did not compete Game Day - 2022 GACA All-Star Spirit Cheerleading Coach (Junior Blue)
- 2023-2024 - 5th Place Region 8 - 4A;
10th PLACE - 4A State Cheerleading Championship *SCHOOL RECORD*;
Did not compete Game Day 2023. - 2023 GACA All-Star Spirit Cheerleading Coach (Sophomore Blue)
- 2024-2025 - Region 8-4A Runner Ups *SCHOOL RECORD*; 11th Place 4A Sectionals
7th Place - 4A State Cheerleading Championships *SCHOOL RECORD*;
5th Place Qualifying Round; 3rd Place - 4A Game Day State Championship 2024 *SCHOOL RECORD*